Hyundai i20 new avatar made its way to the Indian market. The car was launched in Mangalore as the new Hyundai iGen i20. The new i20 boasts of some gen next stylish and the Fluidic design as the last generation car was running out of steam. The new Hyundai i20 price starts at Rs 4.80 lakh and goes up to Rs 7.78 lakh for the top automatic gear model. Looks like the iGen i20 will look to re cement its position in the Indian market.
The iGen i20 was launched in Mangalore at the Advaith Hyundai Showroom. The occasion also saw the new i20 keys handed over to its first customers. The new i20 also ensures that it has upgraded in terms of the safety, comfort and host of other features.
The new i20 comes in both petrol and diesel fuel options. The 1.2 L petrol engine comes with a peak power of 84 PS while the diesel comes with 90 PS power. The new Hyundai i20 includes some eye catch features like electrochromic rear view mirror that illuminates during night driving adding to the safety and the style statement. It also comes with all disk brakes and rain sensing wipers besides land change indicator, start stop button and the list just goes on. The looks of the car are filled with the fluidic lines all over the body which gives a motion feel even when it’s at a standstill.
The safety features of the i-Gen i20 include 6 air bags, clutch lock system, smart pedal system, speed sensing auto door unlocking, reverse parking sensors and so on. As per ARAI data, the i20 gives a mileage of 18.5 kilometer per litre, while the automatic model gives a mileage of 15 kilometer per litre. The car is available in 6 colours. Looks like the new i20 has been prepared to take on the competition which includes the likes of Maruti Swift, Ford Figo and Chevrolet Beat.
The iGen i20 was launched in Mangalore at the Advaith Hyundai Showroom. The occasion also saw the new i20 keys handed over to its first customers. The new i20 also ensures that it has upgraded in terms of the safety, comfort and host of other features.
The new i20 comes in both petrol and diesel fuel options. The 1.2 L petrol engine comes with a peak power of 84 PS while the diesel comes with 90 PS power. The new Hyundai i20 includes some eye catch features like electrochromic rear view mirror that illuminates during night driving adding to the safety and the style statement. It also comes with all disk brakes and rain sensing wipers besides land change indicator, start stop button and the list just goes on. The looks of the car are filled with the fluidic lines all over the body which gives a motion feel even when it’s at a standstill.
The safety features of the i-Gen i20 include 6 air bags, clutch lock system, smart pedal system, speed sensing auto door unlocking, reverse parking sensors and so on. As per ARAI data, the i20 gives a mileage of 18.5 kilometer per litre, while the automatic model gives a mileage of 15 kilometer per litre. The car is available in 6 colours. Looks like the new i20 has been prepared to take on the competition which includes the likes of Maruti Swift, Ford Figo and Chevrolet Beat.